Monday, April 11, 2011

Act III Scene 4

Olivia summons Malvolio after being disappointed by Cesario's refusal. Maria warns her that Malvolio is not himself. Malvolio enters, cross-gartered and wearing yellow stockings. He smiles at her and flirts with her. All the while, Olivia is truly confused and concerned. He quotes snippets from the letter to her, which only confuses her further. Maria is standing there the entire time. Olivia:
"Why, this is very midsummer madness."
A servant enters to tell Olivia that Cesario has returned. Olivia bids Maria to have Malvolio looked after either by her uncle or her servants. She truly cares for Malvolio and says, "I would not have him miscarry for the half of my dowry." They both leave and Malvolio is left on stage, further encouraged by Olivia's care for him and all the more convinced that she is in love with him. Sir Toby, Fabian, and Maria come back on stage and accuse him of being possessed and mad. They decide to take their ruse a step further and have him locked up in a dark room and committed. Mavolio takes them as fools and he leaves. Fabian:
"If this were played upon a stage, now, I could condemn
it as an improbable fiction."
Sir Andrew comes in and reads his challenge words off to the group. They spur him on, secretly making fun of him. Maria suggests Sir Andrew go deliver it now as Cesario is there talking with Olivia and Sir Andrew goes off. Olivia and Cesario come in and Sir Toby leaves with Fabian to think on what he will say to Cesario when he is alone. Olivia gives Cesario a token of her affection. But they have come to a stalemate. Olivia can't give her heart to Orisino because she has already given it to Cesario, who as a woman who loves Orsino cannot reciprocate.
"Well, come again tomorrow. Fare thee well.
A fiend like thee might bear my soul to hell."
After Olivia leaves, Sir Toby comes in to deliver Sir Andrew's challenge. Fabian terrifies Viola with lies about Sir Andrew's deadly skill and great strength. Cesario insists that he hasn't done anything to this man. Sir Toby plays Sir Andrew as well, lying that Cesario is an extremely skilled fighter. They bring the two together to face off against each other. Each is absolutely terrified of the other, and then Antonio steps in and draws his sword against Sir Andrew. Viola has been mistaken as Sebastian. Officers come in, presumably drawn by the fight, and seeing Antonio, arrest him. Antonio asks for his purse back from Cesario, who offers him a loan for his help but admits to never seeing him before in his life. Antonio reminds Cesario that he saved his life, calling him Sebastian. He feels hurt and betrayed. They lead Antonio away and Viola is given new hope that her brother is still alive. Viola:
"Methinks his words do from such passion fly
That he believes himself. So do not I.
Prove true, imagination, O prove true,
That I, dear brother, be now ta'en for you!"

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